© UN DESA19 October 2009: The Government of India is hosting a number of bilateral and multilateral meetings related to climate change in the coming week.

On 21-23 October 2009, bilateral meetings involving China will convene in New Delhi, with the two countries’ environment ministers expected to sign a memorandum of agreement of cooperation on addressing climate change. An Indo-China Joint Workshop on National Action Plans on Climate Change will discuss experiences in the development of the two countries’ respective national action plans, and to discuss policy and actions on mitigation, forests and adaptation, as well as progress in climate change science.
From 22-23 October, the Government of India and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) are jointly organizing the “High-Level Conference on Climate Change: Technology Development and Transfer,” which will convene in New Delhi. This conference will seek to help formulate a roadmap for technology in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation to support the UNFCCC process.
The Government of India is also hosting the eighth meeting of the Environment Ministers of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), which will consider a draft agreement on a natural disaster rapid response mechanism for SAARC. The meeting is also expected to launch the South Asia Environment Outlook 2009 and consider the modalities for a regional environment treaty. [Indo-China meeting announcement] [High-Level Conference on Climate Change website] [SAARC meeting announcement]