Imo23 November 2009: Speaking at the opening of the 26th session of the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), IMO Secretary-General Efthimios E. Mitropoulos reviewed the work of the organization in the previous biennium, highlighting progress on a package of technical and operational measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping.
He explained that these measures had been adopted by the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee in July 2009, and indicated that, together with a parallel consideration of market-based instruments, they would be refined in the coming year with a view to defining their scope of application and enactment. He expressed confidence that with “carefully crafted” instruments, international shipping can “enhance its energy efficiency and reduce its carbon footprint.” He also hoped that the peculiarities of shipping would be discussed and taken into account during the upcoming Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, and that the Organization will continue to be entrusted with the regulation of shipping in its efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. The meeting is taking place at IMO headquarters in London, UK, from 23 November-4 December 2009. [IMO Press Release]