un-world-maritime-day26 September 2013: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) celebrated 2013 World Maritime Day on 26 September 2013, on the theme ‘Sustainable Development: IMO’s contribution beyond Rio+20,’ and convened a one-day Symposium to consider the concept of a Sustainable Maritime Transportation System.

Symposium discussions addressed: the human component of sustainable maritime development; the role of new technology and innovation in sustainable maritime development; and support for a sustainable maritime transportation system.

Delegates also considered a concept note for a Sustainable Maritime Transportation System, which included a list of ten overarching goals. Among other goals, the concept note emphasizes the importance of: safety culture and environmental stewardship; energy efficiency and ship-port interface; energy supply for ships; and ocean governance. Under the goal of energy efficiency, the concept note identifies the need for a global regulatory framework, based on IMO conventions, to promote safety, maximize energy efficiency and resource conservation while minimizing pollution. The concept note addresses the need for a holistic energy efficiency concept for the whole system.

World Maritime Day 2013 addressed the role of maritime transport in sustainable development, and emphasized IMO’s role in helping carry out the commitments of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20). UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed World Maritime Day 2013, noting that it should reaffirm commitment to optimize the management of maritime transport to support sustainable development. [UN Press Release] [IMO Briefing 40/2013] [World Maritime Day: A Concept of a Sustainable Maritime Transportation System] [IMO Briefing 39/2013] [IMO Briefing 41/2013]