ILCDecember 2013: The International Land Coalition (ILC) has published a study, titled ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Land, Territories, and Resources,’ which assesses the instruments, mechanisms, UN bodies, and other regional and global initiatives in regard to indigenous rights.

The study contains a review of regional situations of indigenous people in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and also offers an analysis on how indigenous peoples’ land rights are related to three key thematic areas: women’s rights and access to land and resources; community conserved areas; and climate change and REDD+.

The study concludes with a summary of key trends and challenges, such as misconceptions of indigenous peoples’ land and resource use as outdated and harmless; discrimination against women and their access to land; importance of indigenous peoples’ land for conservation; vulnerability of indigenous people to climate change; and the non-recognition of tenure rights. It further identifies key opportunities, including strong or emerging indigenous peoples’ organizations, and progressive legislation and policy developments.

The report conclusion also offers a set of indicators on the main provisions of international law regarding indigenous peoples’ rights in accordance with International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169 and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

ILC released the study as a contribution to the debate towards the 2014 World Conference on Indigenous People. [International Land Coalition Press Release] [Publication: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Land, Territories, and Resources]