ILC12 May 2014: The International Land Coalition (ILC) has released an inter-agency statement on sustainable pastoralism and the post-2015 development agenda, which emphasizes the importance of sustainable pastoralism for achieving food security, poverty reduction, greater equality and ecological health. It proposes six enabling conditions for capturing the contributions of pastoralism for sustainable development and makes a recommendation to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) for inclusion in its 2014 report.

In the statement, the International Land Coalition proposes the following recommendation to UNPFII: “encouraging UN Environment Programme (UNEP), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples (WAMIP), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the ILC and any other relevant and interested partners to bring sustainable pastoralism into the Post-2015 Agenda, which will provide the opportunity to work globally towards building the enabling conditions for capturing the opportunities of sustainable development for pastoralists.”

The statement proposes six enabling conditions: provision of basic services, including education, health and security; recognition of land access and natural resource use and management rights; equitable value chains and market access; empowerment of pastoralist institutions and systems, including research and education programs; fiscal policies and fair trade; and awareness raising on the differences between grass fed, grazing and stabled animals. It states these pillars can underpin a global economy.

The statement also: underscores pastoralism as a universal issue, despite different challenges faced by pastoralists around the world; and identifies pastoralism as key in maintaining rangeland ecosystem functions.

The ILC is a coalition of 152 organizations that represent 56 countries and works to promote secure, equitable access to land for rural people. [The International Land Coalition Press Release]