iisd_logo2 May 2014: The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) has published a discussion paper for the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) that reviews the recommendations of other researchers regarding targets and indicators on sustainable consumption and production (SCP), and outlines potential targets and indicators for SCP in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The authors highlight the need for the SDGs to be relevant to both developed and developing countries, allow flexibility, and address both the consumption and production sides of sustainability.

Proposed targets include: end hunger and ensure adequate nutrition; restore agricultural productivity of degraded lands; reduce water footprint and efficiency; reduce energy consumption in developed countries and decarbonize the energy system; improve material efficiency; decouple economic growth rates from human well-being; raise end-of-life recycling rates; and ensure sustainable procurement guidelines. Potential indicators are included for each proposed target. The indicators can be grouped under one SCP goal or across goals on other issues, the report suggests.

The advance copy of the discussion paper was released in order to inform negotiations in the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Open Working Group (OWG) on SDGs, as well as the UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA) meeting in June 2014. [Publication: Sustainable Consumption and Production: Targets and Indicators] [Report Webpage]