IFAD8 December 2014: The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has launched a campaign ‘Recipes for Change’ to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on food crops and traditional recipes, particularly in developing countries, and how small-scale farmers can adapt. A series of Recipes for Change online videos will share recipes from rural communities, being prepared in the homes of rural families and using local ingredients that are threatened by climate change.

IFAD is initially releasing recipe videos from Bolivia (Chairo Soup), Rwanda (Bananas and Kidney Beans) and Viet Nam (Sweet and Sour Catfish Soup), in which well-known chefs travel to prepare the traditional dishes with the help of smallholder farmers, and discover how key ingredients are affected by climate change. The recipes themselves are downloadable in English, French and Spanish.

The Recipes for Change campaign highlights the fact that around 500 million smallholder farms are responsible for 80% of the food supply in developing countries, and are often located on marginal lands where climate change impacts are strongly felt, leading to a reduction in crop yields and incomes. Thus, the campaign advocates for smallholders to be part of the climate solution, and for financial, technical and policy support for adaptation to climate change.

Through its ‘Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme,’ IFAD helps farmers adapt to climate change and increase food security while protecting the natural-resource base and reducing poverty.

The campaign was launched on the sidelines of the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru. [IFAD News Story on Launch] [Recipes for Change Website][Bolivia: Chairo Soup] [Rwanda: Bananas with Kidney Beans] [Viet Nam: Sweet and Sour Catfish Soup]