11 October 2010: The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published a report titled “Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement: Improving compliance within equipment energy efficiency programmes.”

The report is the first in its new series titled “Policy Pathways: Showing the way to energy efficiency implementation now,” aimed at closing the policy implementation gap. Speaking at the launch of the series and report, Nobuo Tanaka, IEA Executive Director, stated that “Governments are missing a great opportunity to save energy. Even the countries that are most proactive on energy efficiency have implemented less than 60% of the IEA energy efficiency recommendations.” The report primarily discusses opportunities to realize best practice compliance through monitoring, verification and enforcement (MVE) of end-use appliance and equipment standards and labeling programmes (S&L). It is designed for policy makers at all levels of government and provides checklists,“how-to” guides, and case studies on how to design, implement, and evaluate energy efficiency policy. [IEA Press Release] [The Report]