World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)6 June 2013: In an effort to help develop the sustainable production of oil from the seeds of Allanblackia species in equatorial Africa, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has engaged in a public-private partnership with Unilever and a collection of public non-profit organizations, called the Novella Africa Initiative. The partnership has developed a model for over 10,000 collectors or growers of Allanblackia to plant over 20,000 seedlings in Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania.

As part of its contribution to the partnership, ICRAF has spearheaded a domestication program to select traits from wild species and develop seedlings that can be grown on farms. Through its research, ICRAF has made advances in achieving germination, developing vegetative propagation, engaging smallholders, and spreading new technologies, materials and knowledge. ICRAF also highlights the advantages of on-farm cultivation in decreasing the pressure on wild populations, as well as developing new economic opportunities.

ICRAF is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [ICRAF Press Release] [ICRAF Publication: Reproductive biology and characterization of Allanblackia parviflora A Chev. in Ghana] [Novella Africa Initiative]