icpd28 June 2013: The “Beyond 2014” review process of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) has released initial findings of its global survey, calling for action to address gender and place-based inequalities.

The 176-country survey was conducted as part of the 20-year review of outcomes of the ICPD Programme of Action launched in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) released the initial findings at a briefing of UN Member States in New York, US, on 28 June 2013. Rachel Snow, lead editor for the ICPD Global Report, highlighted continuing inequality within countries, despite aggregate gains. She noted that internal migration and urbanization are key emerging trends, and that governments will face challenges in delivering sexual and reproductive health services in the future.

The survey reviewed achievements and outstanding challenges under four ICPD-related principles of dignity, health, security of place, and good governance. The results highlighted uneven progress in the areas of poverty reduction, raising the status of women, expanding education, eradicating discrimination, improving reproductive health and well-being, and embracing sustainability. The interim findings call on the UN and governments to address the maldistribution of wealth and place the issue of inequality at the center of the global development agenda.

The survey found that maternal mortality has fallen by 47% since 1994, and that further reductions are needed. It calls on governments to address unmet needs for contraception, including for women in remote locations, and for urgent action to diagnose and treat sexually transmitted infections. It notes that urbanization creates significant opportunities for sustainable development and poverty reduction, and cautions against “anti-urban policies” such as decentralization and other measures against urban migration. The report calls on governments to incorporate issues of safe housing, reliable transport, water and land use, health services, lighting, security and sanitation into their national planning frameworks. [ICPD Press Release] [ICPD Beyond 2014 Website] [Publication: Messages and Preliminary Findings From the ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Review]