ICARDA-Logo30 April 2015: The CGIAR International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) has published a report on the water and food security challenges facing the Mediterranean region, emphasizing that many of the most effective climate change interventions have their roots in agriculture.

The report outlines a plan of action focused on targeted agricultural investment in the development of new technologies and practices, backed by robust policies with a potential to reduce vulnerability to drought and sustainably improve agricultural productivity. Examples of action that could contribute to securing livelihoods for rural communities living in marginal areas and increasing food and nutritional security include: improved crop varieties and livestock breeds; farming approaches that reduce risks and strengthen the resilience of production systems; methods for making the best possible use of scarce water resources; diversification of cropping systems; more efficient water management; and conservation agriculture. According to the report, climate-smart strategies and technologies will also play an important role in helping producers adapt to changing weather patterns and adopt more sustainable farming methods.

The report concludes that, given the importance of agriculture to dryland countries where farming is the “backbone of the economy,” it is essential that the sector receive the investment and policy support it needs to move forward. [ICARDA Press Release]