8 December 2010: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has published the provisional resolutions of its 37th Assembly, held in Montreal, Canada, from 28 September-8 October 2010.

Resolution A37-19 is titled “Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection – Climate change.” This resolution, inter alia, solidifies goals and systems initiated at the last session of the ICAO Assembly in 2007, which saw the creation of: a global target of improving aviation fuel efficiency 2% per year up to 2050; a framework for development and deployment of alternative fuels; and a target to create a carbon dioxide standard for aircraft by 2013.

The resolutions also establish a framework for market-based measures (MBMs) to reduce carbon dioxide output, including a feasibility study on a global MBM scheme and guiding principles for States to use when designing and implementing MBMs. In addition, the agreement creates mechanisms for technology transfer and financial assistance to developing States, a requirement for States to submit action plans for reaching environmental targets, assistance for States to meet objectives, and an exemption from MBMs for States with very low emissions (less than 1% of global total air traffic). [The Resolutions]