21 April 2011: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has published Vol. 66, No. 2, of the ICAO Journal, which contains articles on State and industry sustainability plans, as well as climate change impacts of tourist travel.

The newsletter features an article that introduces decisions taken by the 37th Session of the ICAO Assembly in October 2010, which invite States to voluntarily submit civil aviation sustainability action plans to ICAO. These action plans are to assist States in identifying: stakeholders; gaps in existing programmes; ability to address climate change related issues; sufficiency or insufficiency of planned activities; and required assistance in their individual national contexts. The article underlines that preparing a successful action plan will require States to: assess the current situation; evaluate different national emissions scenarios; raise awareness and obtain commitments from stakeholders; and form teams with the appropriate technical and financial expertise to create such as plan. The article also briefly discusses ideal contents, implementation and review of the Action Plans, as well as ICAO’s next steps.

Another article looks at the Davos Declaration, adopted by the global Conference on Climate Change and Tourism in October 2007, which calls for a range of actions by industry and national and international governments. The piece looks at the implications of these goals for international air transport, the tourism sectors view of air transport’s activities thus far, and cooperation going forward. [Publication: ICAO Journal Vol. 66, No. 2]