4 May 2011: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) held its first regional workshop on action plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from aviation, in Mexico City, Mexico, from 2-4 May 2011.

Hosted by the Mexican Government, the workshop is part of ICAO’s efforts to assist States in the development of their action plans, which will include regional workshops throughout 2011, guidance material, and a web-based submission template. Roberto Kobeh González, ICAO’s Council President, explained that the action plans, to be submitted to ICAO by June 2012, will help States identify pathways for emissions reductions in their national contexts as well as to monitor progress. Workshop participants included government representatives from North, Central and South American States, as well as regional civil aviation organizations, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airports Council International and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation. [ICAO Press Release]