Icao30 October 2014: The Environment Branch of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) held two environmental capacity-building seminars for the Asia and Pacific (APAC) Region. The regional seminars on ‘International Aviation and Environment’ and ‘States’ Action Plans’ were held from 28-29 and 29-30 October, respectively, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and were part of ICAO’s support activities to its member States in their efforts to take action on aviation and climate change.

The seminar on international aviation and the environment included presentations on: ICAO’s environmental work; ICAO’s Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection; recent developments; trends and ICAO tools; aircraft noise; local air quality; global emissions; sustainable alternative fuels; green airports; financing; and international partnerships.

The second seminar centered on Action Plans on Emissions Reduction, which allow ICAO member States to communicate information on their activities to address carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from international civil aviation. The action plans will ultimately allow ICAO to measure global progress towards the Organization’s goal of keeping global net carbon emissions from international aviation from 2020 at the same level, as set in ICAO’s Assembly Resolution A37-19.

Presentations held during the second seminar provided information on the Action Plans, including their development and related support tools. Participants also heard statements on best practices from Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Nepal, the Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and the US, and mitigation measures and assistance by the ICAO Secretariat.

The seminars were part of ICAO’s ‘Environmental Seminars’ series, launched in April 2014. The next regional seminars will be held from 18-20 March 2015, for the European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Region, and from 23-25 March 2015, for the Middle East (MID) Region. The series will conclude in 2015 with a final seminar at the ICAO headquarters in Montreal, Canada. [ICAO APAC Regional Seminars Webpage] [ICAO Assembly Resolution A37-19]