25 August 2008: In a statement to the First Part of the
Sixth Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I
Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP6), which took place in Accra, Ghana,
from 21-27 August 2008, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
referred to recent developments in the field of environmental protection,
including: progress made by ICAO’s Committee on Aviation Environmental
Protection in prioritizing and intensifying all activities related to
greenhouse gas emissions (GHG); and the holding of the second meeting of the
Group on International Aviation and Climate Change, where the possible
establishment of short, medium and long term goals for fuel burn was discussed.

ICAO recalled that various groups within the Organization will develop a programme
of action for international aviation and climate change to be considered at an
ICAO High-Level meeting in time for it to be presented at the fifteenth
Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Copenhagen, in December 2009. ICAO
underscored the importance of its collaboration with the UNFCCC and called on
state representatives to align their respective views and positions at the two
fora. Noting that the AWG-LCA will be considering sectoral approaches, the
Organization indicated that it would provide an overview of the specificities
of international aviation emissions and potential conflicts with existing legal
frameworks and established practices and procedures; and will organize a side
event on this subject. [The