12 August 2011: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has released the 2010 edition of its annual report, which presents a thematic analysis of major issues facing the Agency, its activities and achievements, as well as an overview of nuclear-related developments worldwide in 2010 and how they affected the work of the IAEA.

The report stresses that the need for sustained economic development to reduce poverty and hunger requires increases in the supply of energy and electricity. It further highlights the contribution of nuclear power to world electricity, noting that its role in mitigating climate change has been undergoing a steady re-evaluation. According to the Agency, over 60 countries have expressed an interest in exploring nuclear power, many of which are likely to bring their first reactors on-line by 2030.

The report also describes the activities of the IAEA at the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the UNFCCC in Cancun, Mexico, highlighting the maintenance of an information centre that provided an opportunity to: present the Agency’s work on the linkages between climate change mitigation and nuclear power; disseminate pertinent publications; and discuss the nuclear power option and its climate change mitigation benefits with delegates.

The report also describes the Agency’s assistance to member States interested in long term comparisons between large scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) and final repositories for radioactive waste. It notes the completion of a report by the Agency in 2010 featuring a technical–economic comparison of the geological disposal of carbon dioxide and nuclear waste, which is intended to serve the broader scientific and policy communities involved in carbon dioxide and radioactive waste disposal.

Finally, the report provides an overview of the IAEA’s contributions within the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) framework in the promotion of isotope hydrology techniques, including the strengthening of hydrological and meteorological monitoring networks that are critical for addressing water management and climate change issues. [Publication: IAEA Annual Report 2010]