25 March 2010: The 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council, which met from 1-26 March 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland, concluded with the adoption of 28 resolutions, including one on the organization of the Social Forum (A/HRC/13/L.16).
The Council decided that the next Social Forum will focus on: the negative effects of climate change on the full enjoyment of human rights; measures and actions to address its impact, targeting the most vulnerable groups, particularly women and children; and the relevance of international assistance and cooperation to address climate change impacts on human rights. The Social Forum is expected to meet for three working days in Geneva, Switzerland, in October 2010.
The resolution calls for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) to consult with relevant stakeholders and to submit a background report for the debates that will be held at the 2010 Social Forum. The Council also decided the Social Forum should remain open to the participation of representatives of UN member States and all other interested stakeholders, such as NGOs, small groups and rural and urban associations, anti-poverty groups, peasants’ and farmers’ organizations, youth associations, community organizations and trade unions.
The Social Forum has met five times since 2002. It was established under the Commission on Human Rights and, in 2006, it became a subsidiary body of the Human Rights Council (resolution A/HRC/6/13). [OHCHR Press Release] [Resolutions]