HLPF14 June 2013: Informal informal consultations on the organizational aspects of the high-level political forum (HLPF) continued on 12-14 June, during which delegates further discussed the core issues of format, participation, timing, and rules of procedure for the HLPF, while attempting to agree on textual language.

On the relationship of the HLPF to the General Assembly (GA) and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the so called “hybrid model,” delegates debated which rules to specifically outline in the text. As the 61/16 process on strengthening ECOSOC is still ongoing, some delegates suggested language to incorporate the results of these negotiations. The value of the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) and ministerial session in July were discussed in relation to meetings the HLPF will hold “under the auspices of ECOSOC.” The timing and space for preparatory meetings was also debated, as was the drafting of a “global sustainable development report” by the Secretary-General.

Most delegates called for arrangements for the universal participation of all Member States, and many also wanted modalities for the participation of Major Groups. The inclusion of Major Groups and stakeholders was discussed at length, with delegations expressing the importance of this issue to their respective countries. Whether representatives of Major Groups will be given all negotiating documents and the opportunity to intervene in HLPF meetings was debated, as was the participation of Bretton Woods and other intergovernmental institutions.

The post-2015 development agenda was also discussed, with some member states wanting the HLPF to assess progress made towards these development goals in the future, potentially through a “reinvented AMR” or voluntary review mechanism. The placement of the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP on SCP), either under the HLPF or ECOSOC, was debated. Budgetary support for least developed countries and stakeholders, the location and periodicity, and the structure of the inaugural meeting of the HLPF were discussed at length.

Following these discussions, the co-facilitators have released a new compilation text for negotiation. The text proposes compromises on the above issues and presents text previously agreed ad referendum. The final informal informal consultations will continue this week, and the deadline for agreement has been set for 21 June, 2013. [High-Level Political Forum Website] [IISD RS post on Previous HLPF Consultations] [IISD RS Sources]