10 January 2013: The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has released a draft of its report on Biofuels and Food Security, which will feed into the CFS Session in October 2013.

Feedback on the report is due by 30 January 2013 and will be incorporated into the external expert review and the work of the project team.

The report stems from an October 2011 recommendation from the CFS for a review of biofuel policies so that biofuels can be produced where it is socially, economically and environmentally feasible. The report addresses international biofuel policies, biofuel technologies, food prices, hunger and poverty, biofuels and land, and social implications of biofuels. This process complements an open e-consultation on Food Security and Nutrition and a recent report on “Investing in Smallholder Agriculture for Food and Nutrition Security,” which is open for comment through 18 January 2013.

In addition, the HLPE of the CFS is seeking experts for its panel. Two-year terms will begin in October 2013 and will end at the close of CFS 2015. The open call for nomination of experts will close on 28 February 2013. [HLPE Call for Input] [Publication: CFS Report Draft: Biofuels and Food Security]