On the sidelines of the opening of the 64th session of the UN General Assembly, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hosted a high-level event on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). Many Heads of State in attendance committed to take action on this issue. Featuring 18 Heads of State and government and senior ministers, as well as the President of the World Bank, the event highlighted efforts undertaken so far to develop a formal framework for REDD. Participants highlighted, inter alia, the need for: a cost-efficient and accurate standardized methodology for measuring avoided carbon emissions; scaling up current pilot projects into a global framework; financing from both public and private sources; a strong accountability framework; results-based economic incentives for avoided deforestation; and a flexible system to take diverse situations into account. Several Heads of State and government called for adequate funding to match the pledged commitment to take action.
Links to further information
UN press release, 23 September 2009
UN-REDD press release