GWP Global logotype19 September 2013: The September issues of News Flows, the newsletter of the Global Water Partnership (GWP), features articles on several GWP conferences and projects, including on: flood management in Pakistan; groundwater management in Peru; and climate resilience in the Nile Basin.

A workshop organized by GWP Egypt and the Delta Alliance identified water storage among farming communities as a critical component in understanding climate resilience in Egypt. The workshop, which took place from 16-17 June 2013, in Cairo, Egypt, identified country level pilot projects, and agreed on objectives and outcomes for pilot activities. These activities will be incorporated into a project proposal for building Egypt’s climate resilience. The workshop and project will contribute to GWP’s Global Delta Governance Programme and the Enabling Delta Life initiative.

GWP Pakistan organized an international flood conference as part of a larger project to upgrade early warning systems and flood forecasting along the Indus River. The conference, which took place from 28-29 June 2013, discussed water resources management and water storage. According to GWP Pakistan, the country’s limited water storage stems from inter-provincial water disputes, poor maintenance of hydraulic infrastructure and sedimentation issues. GWP Pakistan organized the conference in collaboration with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), all of whom participate in the project.

GWP Peru held a workshop titled ‘Groundwater: Steps towards adaptive and sustainable management,’ in Limu, Peru, on 9 August 2013. In a keynote address, Stephen Foster, GWP, stressed the importance of community involvement, adaptive management, increased investment in measurement and monitoring, and periodic review of groundwater rights to facilitate sustainable groundwater governance and management. The workshop, which was attended by approximately 200 participants, helped inform the development of a national groundwater plan by Peru’s National Water Authority. GWP South America contributed financial and technical support to the workshop.

The UN Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) founded the GWP in 1996 to promote integrated water resources management (IWRM). [GWP Press Release on Egypt] [GWP Press Release on Pakistan] [GWP Press Release on Peru] [Publication: News Flows, September 2013]