Global Water Forum17 February 2013: The Global Water Forum (GWF) published a discussion paper that describes the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Mexico’s National Water Commission ‘Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program,’ which has provided grants to construct water and wastewater treatment plants in rural, small cities on the US-Mexico border that are “under-served from a water and wastewater perspective.”

The paper, titled ‘Addressing water and wastewater disparities on the United States-Mexico border,’ highlights the economic, environmental, public health and social benefits generated through this progamme.

Rural communities near the US-Mexico border experience water and sanitation issues, including limited to no access to drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, and the release of raw sewage into water, which contributes to water pollution. These communities also suffer from water and food-borne diseases.

The paper argues that additional water infrastructure in these areas would help develop the area’s economic potential and attract businesses, innovation, skilled labor and tourism. Since the program began in 1998, its average annual expenditure of US$65 million has resulted in an average increase of US$75 million annually in US Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Noting EPA’s annual funding has decreased from a high of US$100 million to US$5 million, the paper concludes with a recommendation to increase public investment to facilitate continued investments in water and wastewater infrastructure. [GWF Press Release] [Publication: Addressing Water and Wastewater Disparities on the United States-Mexico Border]