28 May 2012: The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) has concluded its online consultation on the nine draft principles of a green economy and called for signatories to the principles. The draft principles resulted from a meeting of Major Groups and stakeholders, held during the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Governing Council meeting in February 2012.

The nine principles are the: sustainable principle; justice principle; dignity principle; healthy planet principle; inclusion principle; good governance and accountability principle; resilience principle; efficiency and sufficiency principle; and generations principle.

The GEC received about 250 responses during the consultation, which it used to redraft and refine the principles. It is now calling for signatories to the principles, in order to increase their impact.

As next steps, the GEC intends to: present the principles during the preparatory meetings of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) as an amendment to the official text; include the principles as part of the official GEC publication for Rio+20 that will be distributed to governments and decision makers; and host a side event during Rio+20 on moving from “principle to implementation.”

The deadline for expressions of interest in becoming a signatory is 10 June 2012. [GEC Press Release] [Publication: Principles for a Green, Fair and Inclusive Economy, Version 3, May 2012] [Publication: The Principles of a Green Economy: Initial Results of a Global Consultation]