flags_french_philippines26 February 2015: In conjunction with the State visit of François Hollande, President, France, to the Philippines, French actress Marion Cotillard and Philippine Senator Loren Legarda launched the ‘Manila Call to Action on Climate Change.’ In the declaration, the French and Philippine governments call for climate action, solidarity and justice, cooperation, and financial and technological solidarity.

During his visit, Hollande called for an alliance between the two countries to set an example of cooperation between rich and poor nations ahead of the Paris Climate Change Conference in December 2015. Hollande highlighted the urgency of reaching a global agreement to reduce carbon emissions throughout his visit.

The Call for Action recommends a shift from “intentions to actions” and emphasizes the need for “an agreement that reduces emissions, creates economic opportunities and equips us to manage the associated risks that are already locked in for the foreseeable future.” The declaration urges: States to present their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs); developed countries to provide the poorest and most vulnerable countries with adequate means of implementation (MOI); all stakeholders to play their full role in tackling climate change; and everyone to echo the appeal and raise awareness of the need for urgent action.

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director Achim Steiner, French Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development Laurent Fabius and Green Climate Fund (GCF) Executive Director Hela Cheikhrouhou, among others, accompanied Hollande on his visit.

At a forum, titled ‘Towards COP21: Civil Society Mobilized for the Climate’ and convened on 26 February 2015, Steiner delivered an address on building and financing resilience to climate change and highlighted the opportunities of a low-carbon green economy. [Manila Call to Action on Climate Change] [UNISDR Press Release] [UNEP Press Release]