16 March 2017: The co-facilitators for the preparation of the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to appraise the UN Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons have issued a compilation of comments from UN Member States on the draft modalities for the high-level meeting. Several countries suggested including a reference to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, noting that it has “a direct relevance for” or “will contribute to” the implementation of the Global Plan of Action.
The co-facilitators, Catherine Boura, Permanent Representative of Greece, and Alya Ahmed Saif Al-Thani, Permanent Representative of Qatar, circulated a zero draft of a resolution on modalities on 13 February 2017, followed by the first informal consultations on the modalities, on 23 February 2017. The compilation text reflects the written inputs received from UN Member States following that meeting.
According to the compilation text, some countries showed preference for holding the high-level meeting in September 2017 instead of 2-3 October 2017, as proposed in the zero draft, and for a one-day meeting instead of two days. Some countries, including Bangladesh, Belarus, the EU, Mexico and South Africa, called for the meeting to result in a concise and action-oriented outcome document, and China called for a “brief and political document.” Australia, Canada, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Japan and New Zealand preferred a chair’s summary only.
Countries also offered comments on the themes of the interactive panel discussions. On the theme ‘The Global Plan of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals: implementing SDGs 5.2 (Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres), 8.7 (Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking) and 16.2 (End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children),’ Mexico proposed to refer instead to ‘The Global Plan of Action and implementation of the SDGs,’ while the Russian Federation suggested ‘The Global Plan of Action and prevention and countering trafficking in persons.’
Trafficking survivors are “spokespeople and network builders for the eradication of this crime,” said Mexico.
Mexico also proposed adding a panel discussion on the experiences from the survivors of trafficking in persons “as spokespeople and network builders for the eradication of this crime,” and/or a panel for the analysis of good practices implemented by the private sector to prevent human trafficking.
According to the co-facilitators’ letter accompanying the compilation text, the next two rounds of informal consultations will take place on 28 March and 12 April 2017. A final consultation is planned for 20 April 2017, “if necessary” to conclude the review of the modalities.
The UNGA adopted the UN Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons in July 2010. It conducted a first high-level appraisal of the Global Plan in May 2013, and subsequently agreed on the need to conduct additional appraisals of the plan. The UNGA decided to convene at its 72nd session a high-level meeting to appraise the progress achieved in the implementation of the Global Plan of Action. [Co-Facilitators’ Letter and Compilation of Comments on Zero Draft] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on Zero Draft]