24 January 2019: The Intergovernmental Meeting on the Sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) considered the SPM, and concluded with agreement to forward it to the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-4) in March, for consideration and possible endorsement by UNEA-4.
The GEO-6 report, which is organized under the theme, ‘Healthy Planet, Healthy People,’ draws attention to the connection between environmental and human health, and encourages the achievement of the environmental dimensions of the SDGs, internationally agreed environmental goals, and the objectives of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).
A healthy planet supports healthy people, an unhealthy planet leads to unhealthy people.
Introducing the GEO-6 Assessment at the opening of the meeting, which convened from 21-24 January 2019 at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, the UNEP GEO Bulletin highlights that GEO-6 Assessment Co-Chair Joyeeta Gupta, India, said the report’s key underlying messages are: a healthy planet supports healthy people; an unhealthy planet leads to unhealthy people; drivers and pressures need to be addressed; current science justifies action now; environmental policy is necessary but not sufficient; and a healthy planet, healthy people, and healthy economy are mutually supportive goals. GEO-6 Assessment Co-Chair Paul Ekins, UK, said the report considers 11 cross-cutting issues, noting that addressing social issues, gender equity, and climate change remain key for achieving all of the SDGs. Ekins also outlined messages on the effectiveness of environmental policy, including the importance of multilevel governance and the need for sustained and conclusive actions. He highlighted that the world is not on track to meet the SDGs, transformative change and an integrated approach are required, and data gaps need to be addressed but that should not delay urgent action.
The SPM, as approved, consists of sections on the following topics: What is the Global Environment Outlook?; What is Happening to Our Environment and How Have We Responded?; Effectiveness of Environmental Policies; Changing the Path We Are On; and Knowledge for Action. [UNEP GEO Bulletin] [IISD Reporting Services Coverage of the Intergovernmental Meeting]