solar-aid26 February 2014: Google has announced funding for a scientific study on the effects of pico (small) solar lighting on poverty alleviation. The study will be the first of its kind and carried out by SolarAid, leading distributor of solar lights in Africa and Google Global Impact Award winner.

Globally, over 1.2 billion people lack access to modern energy services and rely on dirty and expensive fossil fuel-based technologies for lighting, or live in darkness after the sun sets. Pico-solar lanterns have seen an explosion in their uptake in recent years as prices have fallen while quality has increased. At the inauguration of the study, Kat Harrison, SolarAid’s Director of Research and Impact, noted that there is “not a lot of empirical evidence out there on the links between solar lighting and poverty alleviation,” adding that this hinders the sector’s ability to “advise on policy, make recommendations to governments and to fully explain just what impact a pico-solar light can have.”

SolarAid has been awarded US $650,000 for the two-year randomized control trial. The SolarAid website will be maintained and updated over time as results come in. [Lighting Africa Press Release] [SolarAid Study Website]