goc22 September 2014: The Global Ocean Commission (GOC) delivered a global petition to the UN, calling for a new international agreement on high seas protection at an event organized by The Ocean Elders in New York, US. Over 260,000 people have signed the petition, titled ‘Ban Ki-moon: Help secure a living ocean, food and prosperity-propose a new agreement for high seas protection in September 2014.’

The petition underscores a healthy ocean as essential for all life on Earth. It cautions that society is “pushing our ocean system to the point of collapse and risking our own health and prosperity.” It recommends a new international agreement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to secure the sustainable and equitable use and conservation of high seas resources, secure ocean health, ensure food security, protect marine habitats and promote resilience to climate change.

“This petition is a wakeup call for our global leaders,” explained Sylvia Earle, National Geographic explorer-in-residence. Earle and GOC Co-Chair Trevor Manuel delivered the petition to UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson at the event.

In his remarks at the event, GOC Co-Chair José María Figueres called for the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to “urgently initiate negotiations for a high seas agreement so that ocean health and its restoration are finally recognized as a global priority.”

“The overwhelming global public demand for high seas protection demonstrated by the Commission’s petition…stands in sharp contrast to the lack of attention on the oceans at the UN Climate Summit,” the GOC states in a press release. The GOC points out that oceans are not on the agenda of the UN Climate Summit, which is taking place on 23 September in New York.

GOC Co-Chairs, David Miliband, José María Figueres and Trevor Manuel, further stressed the ocean as “a fundamental part of the solution to climate change” in an opinion piece published in The Guardian. In the article they urge world leaders to address oceans at the UN Climate Summit.

In addition to the activities undertaken by the GOC, several upcoming events in New York, US will also address oceans, including a High-level special event on ‘Healthy Oceans and Seas: Paving the Way Towards a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG),’ which is being co-organized by the Permanent Missions of Italy, Palau and Monaco on 26 September.

The UNGA will hold informal consultations on oceans and the law of the sea from 29 September to 3 October 2014. [GOC Press Release 1] [GOC Press Release 2] [GOC Petition] [GOC Opinion Piece] [Ocean Elders website] [GOC website]