A major international meeting on water, sanitation and hygiene has ended in calls for more cooperation and the need to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The first Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Forum, which drew more than 500 participants, was organized by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), under the theme of “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all – solutions and actions; local and national.” The meeting, which took place in Dakar, Senegal from 29 November to 3 December 2004, aimed to accelerate action in water, sanitation and hygiene towards achieving the MDGs. Discussions focused on sharing experiences of how to accelerate WASH action plans, mobilizing WASH coalitions at the national level, elaborating recommendations and providing a “roadmap” for MDGs related to WASH; increasing the global visibility of WASH issues, and developing concrete political and practical directions for WSSCC’s future operations. Other issues that were considered included how to raise funds through potential donors and partner institutions, and improving capacity building of local public institutions so that WASH can play a key role in the development process.
Delegates concluded their deliberations by agreeing on a final outcome document. The Dakar Statement expressed a “commitment to water, sanitation and hygiene as vital components of sustainable human development,” citing many good examples of work already being conducted at the household, local and national levels to achieve global targets, and suggesting that such actions could be replicated elsewhere.
The Statement also urged support for households and families who are the primary decision makers about their water and sanitation. It emphasized the need to recognize the human development roles of both women and men, as well as the need to empower and involve women at all levels, from the local community through management to policy and leadership roles. It called for targeting resources, especially to poor and unserved populations, and urged monitoring of water and sanitation services against demographic data to help identify and serve the neediest people. The Dakar Statement also urges cooperation among local communities, civil society, governments and private sector organizations. The Statement will be presented to the UN Commission for Sustainable Development in April 2005
A day after the conclusion of the meeting, African ministers announced an African Ministerial Initiative on WASH (AMIWASH) intended as political advocacy for achieving the water, sanitation and hygiene goals of the MDGs in the continent. AMIWASH will commence operating in February 2005.
Links to further information The Dakar Statement The WSSCC website