February 2013: The UN Convention to Combat Desertification’s (UNCCD) Global Mechanism (GM) has launched a revamped web-based platform titled “Sustainable Land Management (SLM) – Finance.” Aimed at facilitating an exchange of information among African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, the platform is part of the EU-funded Scope|ACP project, a South-South cooperation programme.

According to the GM, the virtual network hosts information on SLM finance and funding opportunities, and can be used by any stakeholder, including government representatives, civil society organizations and development professionals. Interested parties can access information, knowledge and experiences relating to combating land degradation and desertification and on implementation of the UNCCD.

Features of the network include: private and public work spaces; an e-learning course on SLM integrated financing strategies; and advice on resource for project development. [Global Mechanism Press Release] [SLM Finance Website]