12 October 2011: Initiated by the Governments of Denmark and the Republic of Korea, in association with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) conference was the first of a series of annual events aimed at creating and expanding public-private partnerships in areas including energy efficiency, renewables, sustainable transport, trade and finance.

Addressing the Forum, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon underlined that “sustainable development is the imperative of the 21st century.” He added that the three “Gs” of Global Green Growth “must respond to social, economic and environmental challenges equally. Because we live in an era of three “Fs”: crises on Food, Fuel and Finance. So we need to enhance the three “Es”: the Economy, the Environment and global Equity.” He closed by stressing the benefits of green growth for business, politics and society.

Kandeh K. Yumkella, Director-General of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), highlighted UNIDO’s Green Industry concept and how it has been positively impacting discourses over industrial development around the world.

The 3GF, which took place from 11-12 October 2011, in Copenhagen, Denmark, brought together over 200 global leaders from 27 countries across five continents representing governments, businesses, finance and civil society to push green growth and the shift to a green economy. It included sessions on energy, transport and finance projects, and green growth. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, and Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya, also participated in the event.

During the event, specific public-private actions were scoped or launched in the following areas: sustainable biofuels for civil aviation; green international trade; global green public procurement; and energy efficiency and renewable energy. [Statement by Ban Ki-moon] [UNIDO Press Release] [UN Press Release] [Conference Website]