28 September 2018: The Global Governance Group (3G) held its 11th ministerial meeting, bringing together UN leaders with members of the G20 “troika” – Argentina, Germany and Japan – in an annual dialogue to promote cooperation. UN General Assembly (UNGA) President María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés welcomed the G20’s focus on the future of work, which she noted corresponds with the Assembly’s prioritization of decent work (SDG 8) for the 73rd session.

The 3G is a 30-member grouping of small and medium-sized countries that seek greater engagement in G20 processes. Its 11th ministerial meeting took place on 28 September 2018, in New York, US, in the lead-up to the G20 meeting, which takes place from 30 November to 1 December in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The 3G ministers emphasized the importance of maintaining “an open, rules-based multilateral trading system as embodied by the World Trade Organization (WTO).” The 3G ministers also reaffirmed the role played by international organizations with universal membership in global standard setting. In a press statement on behalf of the 3G, Singapore highlights concerns about rising global trade tensions, and welcomes the G20’s: creation of a Climate Sustainability Working Group, reinstatement of its Trade and Investment Working Group, and reconvening of its Trade and Investment Ministerial Meeting.

Espinosa commended the 3G for maintaining the annual dialogue between the UN and G20, and welcomed the G20’s extensive consultations under Argentina’s leadership in 2018. She reiterated the UNGA’s seven priority areas, in addition to decent work (SDG 8), which are: gender empowerment (SDG 5); youth, peace and security (SDG 16); protecting those with disabilities (SDG target 10.2); plastics pollution (SDG 12); migration and refugees (SDG target 10.7), and UN revitalization.

Japan will succeed Argentina as President of G20 in 2019. [Statement by UNGA President] [Press Statement from 3G 2018 Meeting] [Press Statement from 3G 2017 Meeting] [G20 Website]