25 November 2017: The 2017 Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum (GGSD Forum) convened under the theme ‘Greening the Ocean Economy,’ and as part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ocean Economy Week, held from 20-24 November. The Forum assessed the current state and projected trends in the ocean economy and explored solutions to adverse pressures on oceans. More specifically, the meeting highlighted: the economic opportunities provided by oceans; how to balance economic development and conservation needs; and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal on life below water (SDG 14) to ensure the sustainable use of the ocean, seas and marine resources.

The Forum examined best practices and challenges faced by ocean-based industries in greening their activities, and ways to improve ocean governance. It looked at traditional industries such as fisheries, shipbuilding, maritime transport and tourism, as well as emerging industries such as offshore aquaculture, renewable energy and sectors based on marine biotechnology. It also discussed how to scale up policies and measures to conserve and sustainably use marine and ocean resources and ecosystems, addressing such topics as: fisheries management; combating illegal activities at sea; and pollution from plastic litter, sewage and fertilizer run-off from farming. By 2050, the ocean could have more plastic than fish by weight.

Economic activity in the ocean is expanding rapidly, and could contribute over US$3 trillion and close to 40 million jobs by 2030.

Addressing the conference, OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría emphasized the ocean’s potential for boosting economic growth, employment and innovation, noting that economic activity in the ocean is expanding rapidly, and could contribute over US$3 trillion and close to 40 million jobs by 2030. He stressed that ocean-based sectors can provide solutions through scientific and technological advances, and highlighted policy instruments, including: blue carbon payments for ecosystem services initiatives; reforming environmentally harmful subsidies; taxing marine pollution; and better waste management.

The GGSD is an annual event that focuses on different cross-cutting issues related to sustainable development and green growth. Organized by the OECD, it convened from 21-22 November 2017 in Paris, France, and included a workshop on ‘Green Growth of Maritime Industries.’ [Statement of the OECD Secretary-General] [2017 GGSD Forum Website]