green-climate-fund-new26 November 2015: The Green Climate Fund (GFC) has released the second volume of its information series ‘Elements,’ focusing on investment opportunities with the Fund. The publication provides an overview of the areas in which the Fund is expected to make investments, including its results management framework and criteria for prioritizing project proposals.

The publication intends to provide guidance to National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Accredited Entities (AEs) and other stakeholders by laying out the Fund’s approach to investment and describing the result areas of its management framework and cross-cutting areas for investment priorities.

The publication highlights that the Fund intends to complement existing efforts by addressing gaps in mitigation and adaptation financing, while partnering with the private sector to catalyze investments.

The Results Management Framework focuses on eight strategic impact areas for mitigation and adaptation that will guide the Fund’s program and project development. With regard to mitigation, the Fund will focus on reducing emissions from: energy generation and access; transport; forests and land use; and buildings, cities, industries and appliances. With regard to adaptation, the Fund will focus on increasing the resilience of: health, food and water security; livelihoods of people and communities; ecosystems and ecosystem services; and infrastructure and the built environment. For each of these areas the guide identifies impact potential, costs and financing needs, and areas where the Fund can add value.

The cross-cutting investment opportunities are described as high potential entry points that have emerged from a review of the eight results areas in which the Fund will encourage investment and programming efforts: climate-compatible cities; sustainable low-emissions, climate resilient agriculture; scaled-up finance for forests and climate change; enhanced resilience in small island developing States (SIDS); and transformed energy generation and access. The guide explains how each of these areas contributes to all of the strategic impact areas and where the Fund can add value. [GCF Press Release] [Publication: Elements 02 – Investment Opportunities for the Green Climate Fund] [IISD RS Guest Article by GCF Executive Director Héla Cheikhrouhou] [IISD RS Policy Update on GCF Financing]