GEF SGPJuly 2014: Turkey’s Small Grants Program (SGP) has developed a solar powered boat designed especially for lakes under pressure from recreational activities. The emissions-free, noise-free “Güneşli Bot” aims to serve as a model for using solar photovoltaic energy in marine applications.

Traditional boats can increase carbon emissions through pollution and can be intrusive to aquatic ecosystems, according to the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Sun Boat offers a cleaner, less expensive and safer form of transportation that is less intrusive to lake ecosystems and aquatic species. In contrast to other solar powered boats, the Sun Boat does not need a charger or a conventional motor and can run for over two hours with a small battery at a speed of 10-12 knots. The boat is also more sustainable than internal combustion engine boats because it does not require fuel, gas, oil or monthly maintenance.

This initiative is part of Turkey’s SGP portfolio, which aims to promote a transition to sustainable, low-carbon transport. The project has also prepared a booklet for local authorities and other stakeholders, with the aim of raising awareness about solar powered boats.

A SGP grant of US$20,000 and US$18,900 in co-financing provided financing for the boat’s development. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) implements the SGP on behalf of the GEF. [GEF Press Release] [SGP Website]