The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council convened virtually to consider the GEF’s strategy for knowledge management and learning, enhancing policy coherence through GEF operations, and relations with the Conventions and other international institutions. The Council had deferred discussion of these items from its 64th session in June 2023.

During its June meeting, the Council engaged in lengthy negotiations on the establishment of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) and on preparing the GEF to serve as part of the financial mechanism for the new high seas treaty, leaving limited time for substantive discussions on other issues.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) summary report of the meeting highlights that with respect to the GEF Strategy for Knowledge Management and Learning, Council Members:

  • supported and approved the Strategy, along with its objectives and strategic directions;
  • encouraged the Secretariat to engage with Agencies and the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) in facilitating implementation of the Strategy;
  • expressed support for stronger references to Indigenous and traditional knowledge, and
  • highlighted the need to harmonize the Strategy with existing funds, such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

On enhancing policy coherence through GEF operations, Council Members endorsed the outlined approach and requested the Secretariat to work along the proposed action areas. They discussed whether the GEF should play the role of a central international data repository on the nature financing gap. Some Members stressed the need to consider countries’ special circumstances and sovereignty.

Regarding relations with the GEF-related environmental Conventions and other international institutions, “Council Members welcomed the relevant report and requested that the GEF network continue to work with Convention secretariats and recipient countries to create synergies and assume a more pronounced role in financing sustainability transitions in line with the GEF’s expanding mandate.”

Council Members also finalized the composition of the risk appetite statement Working Group. The Working Group will begin deliberations in the week following the conclusion of the 65th Council meeting, which took place on 10 October 2023. [ENB Coverage of 65th Meeting of the GEF Council]