26 May 2011: The 40th meeting of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council has adopted a decision on broadening the GEF Partnership under Paragraph 28 of the GEF Instrument, which establishes criteria and accreditation procedures for allowing new entities into the Partnership during a pilot phase.

The meeting, which convened in Washington, DC, US, from 24-26 May 2011, also agreed on “provisional” policies on environmental and social safeguards, as well as on a policy on gender mainstreaming in relation to the new entities.

Council members also approved the arrangements for the operation of the Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund, which Japan had proposed and contributed to. At the conclusion of the discussion on this topic, the representative from France announced a one million Euro contribution to the Fund.

In addition, Council members adopted budgets for the GEF and its Evaluation Office, and adopted a work programme that comprises project concepts and one programmatic approach – regarding support for the Great Green Wall initiative. The Council also discussed and adopted a Communication and Visibility Policy, designed to enhance the visibility of the GEF’s role in projects that have GEF financing.

Among other items, the Council discussed a proposal for criteria for the establishment of trust funds within the GEF, but asked the Secretariat to revise the proposal for consideration at the November 2011 Council meeting. A proposed strategy to engage with the private sector will also be revised and reconsidered at the November meeting.

During the 10th meeting of the Council for the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), which took place on 26 May in the afternoon, delegates approved the work plan and budgets for these Funds. Germany pledged 50 million Euros to the LDCF and 25 million Euros to the SCCF, and Australia pledged AUS$15 million to the LDCF, as Copenhagen Climate Change Conference fast start financing pledges. [IISD RS Coverage of the 40th meeting of the GEF Council] [GEF Council Documents]