GEF15 May 2014: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has launched a US$120 million program meant to enhance food security in sub-Saharan Africa through scaling-up practices for improved crop and livestock productivity, and increased production system resilience.

The program, titled ‘Integrated Approach Pilot Program Fostering Sustainability and Resilience for Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa,’ targets regions prone to weather extremes and with the potential for building on previous successful projects, such as existing agricultural development and food security initiatives that support diversification in soil and water management. The program will also serve as a platform for the engagement of all actors collaborating to advance food security in ways that foster global environmental benefits.

GEF will provide support for scaling-up innovations that will increase resilience and safeguard land, water, soils, trees, and genetic resources. The program also supports the creation of policy options and institutional frameworks to empower rural communities to scale-up successful and adaptive practices. [GEF Press Release][World Agroforestry Centre News]