green-climate-fund-new21 September 2015: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published the report (FCCC/CP/2015/3) submitted by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to the Conference of the Parties (COP). The report informs the COP of the GCF’s implementation of policies, programme priorities and eligibility criteria provided by the COP, and relates the extent to which COP guidance has been adhered to by the GCF Board (GCFB).

Dated 4 September 2015, the fourth annual report covers the period from 1 December 2014 – 31 July 2015. The core of the report is comprised of three extensive tables presenting the actions the GCF has taken in response to guidance from COP decisions, action taken pursuant to the Fifth Review of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, and implementation of the arrangements between the COP and the GCF.

The report highlights key achievements, such as: reaching effectiveness in May 2015, allowing it to start allocating resources towards projects and programmes; the registration of National Designated Authorities (NDAs) or focal points to the GCF by 131 countries; accreditation of 20 entities; and operationalization of the Readiness Programme.

The report’s annexes include additional detailed information, such as a snapshot of the GCF’s Initial Resource Mobilization Pledge Tracker, a list of accredited entities, and its statements of financial position and of comprehensive income.

The COP is expected to consider the report at its 21st session, scheduled for 30 November – 11 December 2015, in Paris, France. As noted in the report, the GCFB’s 11th meeting will take place in Livingstone, Zambia, in early November 2015. [Fourth Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change]