GBIF5 October 2011: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Science Symposium 2011 focused on the experience gained during GBIF’s first decade in building a global infrastructure for, and networks of, biodiversity informatics.

Held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 5 October 2011, under the title “GBIF at 10: Reaping Benefits for Science and Society,” the Symposium was preceded by a Governing Board meeting where Donald Hobern was appointed the new Executive Secretary of GBIF (taking office in January 2012).

The symposium was opened by Leonard Krishtalka, Chair of the GBIF Science Committee, who recalled GBIF’s mission to make the world’s biodiversity information freely and universally available for science, society and a sustainable future. Panelists then focused on the experience gained during GBIF’s first decade in building a global infrastructure for, and networks of, biodiversity informatics, presenting insights from eco-informatics studies on climate and biodiversity, and lessons learned and experiences in building biodiversity information networks in different countries.

Jens-Christian Svenning, from the Department of Biological Sciences at Aarhus University, Denmark, was awarded the 2011 Ebbe Nielsen Prize for his work on climate and biodiversity using eco-informatics, and presented his latest work on species’ reactions to climate change. Speakers then explained: achievements during the last decade; challenges of facilitating access to biological data in light of research needs generated by global problems such as climate change; and technological improvements allowing the collection and sharing of millions of datasets.

The Science Symposium was held on the side of the official GBIF Governing Board meeting, and also was accompanied by GBIF committee meetings, as well as a three-day training session and two-day meeting of GBIF node managers and staff. [IISD RS Sources] [IISD RS Coverage] [GBIF Website]