While discussions focused on Iraq and combating terrorism, the 2004 G8 Summit, which took place from 8-10 June at Sea Island, Georgia, US, produced a number of environment and sustainable development-related outcomes.

These include agreements on: an action plan to “apply the power of entrepreneurship and the private sector” toward poverty alleviation; taking all necessary steps to eradicate polio by the end of 2005; an initiative to help prevent famine by improving worldwide emergency assessment and response systems, raising agricultural productivity, and helping 5 million chronically food insecure people in Ethiopia attain food security by 2009; and taking new action against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including expanding the Proliferation Security Initiative, strengthening the International Atomic Energy Agency, and refraining from new transfers of uranium enrichment and reprocessing technology.
G8 leaders also said agreed to launch in 2005 the “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Initiative,” a plan aimed at cutting down on waste, promoting recycling, reducing barriers to trade in goods and materials for recycled and remanufactured products, and promoting science and technology on relevant technologies. This initiative is expected to be launched in early 2005 at a ministerial meeting hosted by the Government of Japan. The Summit also saw commitment to increasing action to promote global economic growth and directing trade ministers to successfully conclude the WTO’s Doha global trade negotiations. Next year’s G8 Summit will be held in the United Kingdom.
Links to further information
G8 Sea Island Summit website
ENS, 11 June 2004