g7_201627 May 2016: The 2016 Group of 7 (G7) Ise-Shima Summit in Japan adopted a Declaration that addresses major global economic and political challenges, and commits to making progress on development, economic and security issues to ensure global peace, security and prosperity. In the Declaration, leaders commit to efforts to implement commitments of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The Summit brought together the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US from 26-27 May 2016, in Ise-Shima, Japan. Under the Presidency of Japan, the Summit discussed measures to address the global economic slowdown, terrorism, the humanitarian crisis and ongoing conflicts.

On the 2030 Agenda, leaders back ambitious domestic action and commit to support developing countries’ efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda, particularly on actions related to women and girls’ empowerment, global health, food security and nutrition, support for adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk reduction (DRR); energy security and resource efficiency; marine litter; sustainable forest management (SFM); quality infrastructure; and support for youth in least developed countries (LDCs). Leaders affirm that addressing challenges in Africa is central to realizing the SDGs and state their intention to support the promotion of Africa’s development aspirations as described in Agenda 2063.

On climate, the G7 commits to take steps to secure ratification of the Paris Agreement as soon as possible and calls on all parties to strive for a goal of entry into force in 2016. Leaders further commit to, inter alia: take the lead through early, transparent and robust implementation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs); promote increased ambition over time; participate in the regular review of global stocktake every five years; formulate and communicate low greenhouse (GHG) gas emissions development strategies in advance of the 2020 deadline; and continue efforts to provide and mobilize increased climate finance from public and private sector sources.

Recognizing the urgent need for effective efforts in the field of international aviation, the G7 leaders commit to work together for the adoption of a Global Market-Based Measure (GMBM) in order to enable carbon neutral growth from 2020, by reaching a decision at the 39th session of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly in September-October 2016.

Leaders also recognize the importance of mitigating emissions of short-lived climate pollutants, such as black carbon, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and methane. They support the decision by parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer to address HFCs under the Protocol and further support adoption of an ambitious HFC phase-down amendment in 2016, stating their intention to provide additional support through the Multilateral Fund (MLF) following adoption of an amendment.

On energy, the Declaration recognizes the role of energy in implementing the Paris Agreement and supports a transition to an energy system that enables a decarbonization of the global economy. Leaders commit to: encourage clean energy and energy efficiency; ensure economic growth with reduced GHG emissions; support innovation in energy technologies; and facilitate energy investments, including in quality energy infrastructure and upstream development. They further indicate that they “remain committed” to eliminating inefficient fossil fuel subsidies and include a timeline for taking this action, by encouraging “all countries to do so by 2025.”

On resource efficiency, leaders reaffirm their commitment to address, prevent and reduce marine litter, particularly plastic, and enhance global ocean assessment for science-based management and conservation and sustainable use of marine resources.

On food security and nutrition, leaders endorse the G7 Vision for Action on Food Security and Nutrition, including actions on ensuring sustainability and resilience within agricultural and food systems, and other practices in line with the SDG 2 (End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture) and the Paris Agreement.

On health, leaders commit to implement SDG 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promotes well-being for all at all ages), observing that universal health care (UHC), as called for under Target 3.8, provides a framework that underpins all health targets in line with the principle of no one left behind. The Declaration: suggests the UN Secretary-General nominate an envoy to promote and catalyze UHC efforts across sectors; reaffirms the World Health Organization’s (WHO) role in global health architecture; and urges implementation of the One WHO approach.

On women’s empowerment and gender equality, leaders commit to gender-responsive approaches to implementing the SDGs and addressing climate change and envision mainstreaming gender equality throughout the SDGs to ensure that national policies promote equity, gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment. Leaders endorse common guiding principles for capacity building of women and girls that build on the SDGs on gender equality, health and education.

On anti-corruption, leaders underscore the importance of the rule of law, democracy and fair competition for sustainable development, economic growth and peace and security and welcome the outcomes of the Anti-Corruption Summit hosted by the UK to galvanize action against corruption.

On infrastructure, the Declaration recognizes the role of quality infrastructure development to enhance resilience and contribute to sustainable development efforts identified in the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA). The Declaration also addresses tax and transparency, urging enhanced transparency of tax information, among other actions. It further recognizes the importance of implementing the 2030 Agenda for effective migration management.

Separate meetings of G7 ministers took place in advance of the Summit at various locations around Japan, including meetings of foreign, finance, agriculture, ICT, energy, education, science and technology, environment, health and transport ministers. [G7 Declaration] [G7 Outcome on Quality Infrastructure] [G7 Outcome on Global Health] [G7 Outcome on Women and Girls] [G7 Outcome on Cyber] [G7 Outcome on Corruption] [G7 Outcome on Terrorism and Violence] [G7 Program] [IISD RS Story on G7 Energy Meeting] [IISD RS Story on G7 Environment Meeting] [IISD RS Story on Other G7 Ministerial Meetings] [World Bank President Response to G7 Outcome] [UN Press Release]