2 May 2017: To facilitate collaboration among the members of the Group of 20 (G20) in financing the scaling-up of energy efficiency technologies and programmes, the G20 Energy Efficiency Task Group (EETFG) has launched the Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit.

The Toolkit provides “a voluntary framework and tools for G20 countries to enhance capital flows for energy efficiency investments in their economies.” It outlines options for policy makers to engage with finance institutions to develop innovative business and financing models for energy efficiency.

The toolkit was launched during the second Energy Efficiency Forum, which gathered policy makers from the G20 and guest countries, international organizations, research institutions and business representatives.

The toolkit includes: an assessment of current energy efficiency investments by sector and region; good practices regarding national policy framework design and implementation of the G20 Voluntary Energy Efficiency Investment Principles; a report on ‘best in class’ instruments and approaches to encourage and increase energy efficiency investments among different types of private sector financial institutions; and a joint consensus among public banks and development institutions around such instruments and approaches. The EEFTG also made available a series of case studies that detail experiences, lessons learned and best practice examples from G20 members.

The toolkit will support progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal 7 (affordable and clean energy), in particular target 7.3 (By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency). It was launched during the second Energy Efficiency Forum, held on 2 May 2017, in Hamburg, Germany. The Forum gathered policy makers from the G20 and guest countries, international organizations, research institutions and business representatives to discuss how energy efficiency can be progressed globally. The event was organized by the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) and hosted by the Government of Germany. [IPEEC Press Release EEF] [IPEEC Press Release Toolkit] [Publication: G20 Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit]