G204 November 2011: The Group of 20 (G20) Leader’s Summit has concluded with the adoption of a declaration addressing clean energy, green growth and climate change, among other issues.

The Summit, held in Cannes, France, on 3-4 November 2011, was attended by leaders of major economies. The resulting declaration, titled “Building our common future: renewed collective action for the benefit of all,” includes a section on “Fostering Clean energy, Green Growth and Sustainable Development” in which leaders: commit to promote low-carbon development strategies for green growth and to ensure sustainable development; welcome the UN Secretary-General’s “Sustainable Energy for All” (SE4ALL) initiative; and support the development and deployment of clean energy and energy efficiency (C3E) technologies.

They further commit to the success of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), noting it will provide an opportunity “to mobilize the political will needed to reinsert sustainable development at the heart of the international agenda.” Leaders also underline the opportunities created by green growth in new industries and in “areas such as environmental services, renewable energy and new ways to provide basic services to the poor.”

Addressing the 2011 Labour Summit, held on 3 November 2011, also in Cannes, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Rio+20 provides an opportunity to define “a clear path to a better future,” including through new initiatives on food and water security, as well as green investments to advance on renewable energy to mitigate climate change. He emphasized that, “We cannot burn our way to the future. We cannot consume our way to greater prosperity.” [G20 Declaration] [UN Press Release, 3 Nov.] [Statement of UN Secretary-General]