france-moro_cop2119 January 2016: At an event hosted by the Permanent Missions of France and Morocco to the UN in Geneva, international organizations headquartered in the Swiss city heard about the outcomes of the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the UNFCCC and ways the Paris Agreement will impact their activities. Titled ‘From COP 21 to COP 22: International Geneva’s Mobilization Continues,’ the event also featured remarks from the incoming Moroccan Presidency on its approach to COP 22.

Opening remarks included reflections from the Permanent Representatives of the three countries leading the COP before, during and after the adoption of the Paris Agreement, namely Peru, France and Morocco. Following these preliminary remarks, Philippe Lacoste, French Ambassador for Climate Change Negotiations, presented on ‘The Paris Agreement: A Change of Paradigm.’ In closing remarks, Morocco emphasized a shift from decision to action.

A panel on ‘A Plan of Action for People, Planet and Prosperity’ featured: Helen Clark, UN Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator, who presented on ‘The Path to an Inclusive Sustainable Resilient Development;’ Michel Jarraud, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Secretary General emeritus, who addressed ‘Building on Science-Based Information to Implement Policies;’ Maria Neira, World Health Organization (WHO) Director of Public Health and Environment, delivered a presentation on ‘The Paris Agreement: A Public Health Agreement;’ Inger Andersen, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Director General, focused on ‘Nature Based Solutions: The Planet at the Crossroads;’ Laura Thompson, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Deputy Director General, presented on ‘Climate Mobility: A Challenge for Our Century;’ and Stephen Pursey, International Labour Organization (ILO) Director of Multilateral Cooperation, delivered a speech titled ‘No Job on a Dead Planet: A Just Transition is at Stake.’

In her remarks, Clark outlined her organization’s plans for the “era of implementation,” saying the Paris Agreement signals the need to end deforestation, forest degradation and unsustainable energy practices and provides a roadmap to a zero-carbon, sustainable future. Underscoring the adverse effects that climate change has on sustainable development, Clark highlighted the transformational impacts tackling the problem can have for human development. Using examples from Uruguay, Viet Nam and national adaptation planning, she described UNDP’s experience in: promoting forest conservation, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and low-emission, sustainable growth; reducing disaster risk from adverse weather events; aiding the development of policies, institutions and budgetary frameworks; and unlocking the necessary funding.

Noting next steps for implementing the Paris outcome include developing a clear roadmap to reaching the US$100 billion goal for annual climate finance and determining an updated goal before 2025, improving reporting and transparency, and operationalizing nationally determined contributions (NDCs), Clark described UNDP’s role in helping developing countries to formulate their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) with technical and financial assistance in the lead up to the Paris Climate Change Conference.

With a shift in focus to implementing NDCs, Clark stated that the priorities for UNDP’s US$2.3 billion climate change portfolio will include: helping countries incorporate mitigation and adaptation into their development plans, strategies and processes; working with over 100 countries to access climate finance; and strengthening disaster risk management (DRM).

The event was held on 19 January 2016, following on the heels of the adoption of the Paris Agreement on 12 December 2015 at COP 21. COP 22 will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco, in November 2016. [Event Webpage] [UNDP Administrator Remarks]