petersberg47 May 2013: The Fourth Petersberg Climate Dialogue on ‘Shaping the Future’ convened in Berlin, Germany, from 5-7 May 2013, to discuss how to enhance climate action domestically and make progress in the UN climate negotiations in advance of the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 19), scheduled to take place in Warsaw, Poland, in November 2013.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, 35 ministers and their representatives, the Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP), and members of the UNFCCC Secretariat attended the Dialogue, which was co-chaired by German Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier and Polish Environment Minister Marcin Korole.

During the Dialogue, ministers highlighted: economic opportunities associated with transitioning towards a low-carbon economy, including job creation, health benefits and innovation; the need to change both production and consumption patterns; the link between pre-2020 mitigation ambition and the shape of the 2015 agreement; and the 2014 climate summit of world leaders announced by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Ministers also underscored: the need to maintain balance between adaptation and mitigation; international cooperative initiatives, including on short-lived climate pollutants, energy efficiency, renewable energy and REDD+, and their potential to complement existing 2020 pledges; and the role of the private sector, which depends on long-term certainty for investment.

Regarding the 2015 climate agreement, participants discussed how to reflect and determine the degree of commitment in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, taking into account the dynamic nature of capabilities and national circumstances. Ministers proposed that elements and functions of the agreement be clarified by early 2014, and that a draft text be ready by March 2015, with COP 19 in Warsaw as “an important milestone on the way to 2015” that should further advance the definition of the functions, structure and nature of the 2015 deal. Ministers also emphasized that COP 19 can showcase climate initiatives that are underway around the world , and possibly establish a forum for stakeholder participation.

Germany initiated the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in 2010 in preparation for COP 16 in Cancun, Mexico. The meetings are co-chaired by Germany and the upcoming Presidency of the UN climate negotiations, and are attended by participants from all regions and negotiating groups. [Petersberg Climate Dialogue IV Webpage] [Co-Chairs’ Conclusions]