In an open letter to UN Member States, 49 former heads of state and government, ministers, and UN officials call on world leaders to begin an intergovernmental process to strengthen and reform the UN system’s legal and institutional machinery.

The UN General Assembly is convening a high-level meeting to commemorate the UN’s 75th anniversary on 21 September 2020. During the meeting, leaders will adopt a political declaration that mandates UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to report to UN Member States with recommendations “to advance our common agenda and to respond to current and future challenges” during the 75th UN General Assembly (UNGA) session (2020-2021). 

The open letter released on 18 September 2020, ahead of the anniversary, stresses the need for global governance institutions to “do more.” The signatories assert that recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic goes hand-in-hand with “institutional retooling,” both requiring national leadership along with global cooperation.

A dedicated intergovernmental process is needed to strengthen and reform the UN’s legal and institutional machinery.

The letter cites the need for a system that is stronger, more accountable, and has the full participation of civil society and key stakeholders. They attribute the crisis of multilateralism to withdrawals from important treaties and forums, budget cuts, and the failure to uphold international law.

In a press release, signatory Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, points to “hard months and years ahead,” and says multilateralism represents the “only path that can deliver a green, sustainable and equitable recovery” from the pandemic.

The letter is also signed by former heads of state and government of Andorra, Australia, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malawi, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Seychelles, Slovenia, Switzerland, the UK, as well as former ministers from Argentina, Japan, and Sweden, among others.

Former UN officials include Ban Ki-moon, the eighth UN Secretary-General, former UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson, the former heads of UNICEF, UNESCO, Department of Field Support, ESCAP, ESCWA, a former High Commissioner for Human Rights, several former Presidents of the UN General Assembly, and former special representatives, special advisors, and special rapporteurs.

The letter is also signed by Maria Elena Agüero, Secretary General of the Club de Madrid, Federica Mogherini, former High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and former Vice-President of the European Commission, Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State and former US ambassador to the UN, and Juan Manuel Santos, former President of Colombia, 2016 Nobel Peace Laureate.

The letter was crafted and organized by the UN2020 campaign with support from the World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid and the Group of Women Leaders.

The letter remains open for signature until 24 October 2020 (United Nations Day). [UN2020 Open Letter] [Press Release] [IISD sources]

IISD’s Earth Negotiations Bulletin is providing reporting and analysis of the UN’s 75th anniversary commemoration event on 21 September 2020.