Fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Legally-Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe (INC-Forests4)30 April 2015: FOREST EUROPE convened a workshop to update its sustainable forest management (SFM) indicators as part of the ongoing process to revise the pan-European indicator set. The workshop facilitated an exchange of experiences and an opportunity to consider proposed revised indicators.

In addition to modifications to existing indicators, the workshop considered the formulation of a new indicator on forest degradation and on trend in land productivity in forests.

The workshop sought to balance the economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects of SFM, while considering data-availability and cost-effectiveness. The workshop was also mandated by FOREST EUROPE to strive for meaningful indicators that can still be assessed against historical data in order to incorporate new knowledge and emerging issues.

The meeting was held from 27-29 April 2015 in Madrid, Spain. The outcomes from the meeting will be considered by an expert level meeting in July 2015. [FOREST EUROPE Press Release] [Workshop on Updating the Pan-European Indicators for SFM Website]