Global Green Growth Forum (3GF)13 May 2015: The first African Regional Green Growth Forum (3GF-Africa) aimed to identify barriers to Africa’s sustainable development and ways to turn them into opportunities for green growth and improved livelihoods. The Forum, which brought together over 200 delegates, including African ministers of environment, policymakers, international financial and environmental experts, and private sector leaders, focused on new financing models for green growth, sustainable urbanization and sustainable lifestyles.

3GF-Africa, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 13-14 May 2015, provided a platform for participants to discuss reliable and sustainable energy supply for Africa, achieving sustainable industrialization through the circular economy, and ensuring modern technology reaches Africa.

Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UN Environment Programme (UNEP), said the Forum provided the opportunity for African stakeholders to define their priorities in order to feed them into the various processes taking place in 2015. He said Africa is well positioned to become the “frontline of a global transition to more-inclusive green economies” building on its strong endowment of natural resource and skills.

Judi Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Kenya, said that transitioning to a green economy could enable Africa to achieve improved livelihoods and sustainable lifestyles, if new innovative, sustainable and inclusive growth and business models are in place. Martin Lidegaard, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, stated that all actors must work together and be “powerful doers” and that the 3GF provide the space for such partnerships.

In addition to discussing green-growth strategies for Africa, participants engaged in concrete partnership-building activities, especially between private and public sectors, in the areas of water, energy, waste management, circular economy and land restoration. More specifically, specific sessions convened on: Visions for Inclusive Green Growth in Africa; African Cities as Unique Opportunities to Drive Green Growth; Energy for Growth in the Green Economy; the Green Industrial Revolution; Unlocking Financing for Green Growth and New Economic Pathways; and Prosperity with Green Growth, Lifestyles, Sustainable Development and Climate Goals.

The Forum was jointly organized by the Government of Kenya, the Government of Denmark and UNEP, under the umbrella of the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF), which brings together governments, businesses, investors and international organizations to act on green growth. 3GF-Africa is the first of a series of regional conferences being organized in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The outcomes of the these regional conferences will feed into the next 3GF Global Summit, which will convene in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 20-21 April 2016. [3GF-Africa Website] [UNEP Press Release] [Statement of UNEP Executive Director] [3GF Website]